April 12, 2009

Frugal Recipe: Poor Woman's Mocha

One of my methods of debt reduction is to eliminate unnecessary items. Number one on this list is gourmet coffee drinks. As a means of reducing the pain involved in eliminating this luxury, I buy gourmet coffee grounds and brew it at home for a fraction of the price. Below is a recipe for what I call "Poor Woman's Mocha". It is actually very simple, but I am surprised at how many people have commented on what a great idea it is, so here you go!

1.) One 8-12oz cup of coffee (I prefer Starbucks)

2.) Once packet of hot chocolate mix. (Aldi sells an 8-pack for $0.99)

3) 1/2 cup skim milk ( you could also use half and half or any other milk product)

4.) 1 tablespoon powdered creamer (Aldi sells a large container of this for $1.79)

Combine all ingredients, stir until dissolved, and enjoy! FYI, I find that one packet of hot chocolate mix goes a long way. Depending on how sweet you like your coffee, you can likely use one pack for 16-20oz of coffee.

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