February 8, 2009

Keeping It Real

I was a bit hard on myself this week for exceeding my "Out to Eat/Entertainment" budget by $20. This has only been intensified by the fact that I haven't been able to get as many hours at my part-time job the past couple weeks due to inclement weather...which means even less money going towards paying down debt:(

Then I read this post by another personal finance blogger and it put things into perspective for me. It is so true that finding a balance between spending and saving really encourages you to stop and smell the roses.

I went over budget. But it's $20 and I can easily make up for it in the coming weeks; surely this blunder will not define my financial future. And just for the record (because I feel better about things when I can justify them:) the $20 was well worth it. I had a weekend filled with good times spent with family and friends.

Here's to another week of focusing on what is really important!

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